
Morse decompositions of uniform random attractors


主讲人:曾才斌 华南理工大学副教授


地点:腾讯会议 560 281 250



内容介绍:In this talk we report the Morse theory on uniform random attractors for non-autonomous random dynamical systems. To handle the non-invariance of uniform random attractors, we construct the Morse sets of uniform random attractor as the projections of the Morse sets on pullback attractor of the skew product semiflow. First, we obtain the Morse decomposition of uniform random attractors in probability. Second, we describe a decaying energy level on such attractor by Lyapunov function with probability one. Furthermore, we study the stability of Morse decompositions of deterministic uniform attractor under a small random disturbance. Finally, we discuss and collect the results on the Morse decomposition under random setting.