


主讲人:滕志东 新疆大学教授


地点:腾讯会议 478 127 447



内容介绍:Firstly, we propose a two-patch mathematical model to simulate the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 where a half-saturated detection rate function is introduced to describe the effect of medical resources. The stability of disease-free equilibrium of the model without migration is obtained. Further, the existence of forward/backward bifurcation is analyzed. The global dynamics of the full model are discussed. Some numerical simulations are carried to explain the main results and the effects of migration and supply of medical resources on the transmission of disease. Next, a reaction-diffusion SEIAR model with Beddington-DeAngelis type incidence is proposed to characterize the spread of COVID-19 with spatial transmission. The basic reproduction number R0 is derived. Threshold dynamics are established. Meanwhile, the model in spatial homogenous environment is full characterized by the reproduction number. According to the official reporting data about COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, the actual value of R0 is estimated. Numerical simulations indicate that the diffusion (movement) behavior has great impact on the spread of COVID-19.