


主讲人:汪尧进  南京理工大学教授




主讲人介绍:南京理工大学材料学院教授,博士生导师。JW科技委创新特区H863项目负责人,担任《Journal  of the American Ceramic Society》Associate  Editor,《无机材料学报》编委,中国硅酸盐学会微纳技术分会理事,电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会委员。长期从事先进敏感材料与器件的研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金4项,GF科工局基础科研等研究课题10余项,并参与国家自然科学基金重大项目1项。担任2018年中韩铁电材料与应用研讨会主席,2019第11届中日铁电材料与应用大会联合主席,2020年新型电子功能材料与器件国际研讨会主席,应邀在国际学术会议上作邀请报告16次。以第一作者或通讯作者共发表包括Nature  Communications, Advanced Materials, Materials today, Nano Energy, Physical  Review B等SCI学术论文50余篇。申请中国发明专利11件、美国专利1件,授权中国专利3件。获2020年中国十大科技新锐人物  (知社学术圈),首届中国仪表功能材料学会电子元器件关键材料与技术专业委员会 “学术新秀奖”。此外,受邀担任国际上著名材料物理类杂志的长期审稿人,为Science  Robotics, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced  Science, Physical Review B等二十余种国际刊物审稿150余次。

内容介绍:The increasing demand for a whiter smile has resulted in an increased popularity  for tooth whitening procedures. The most classic hydrogen peroxide-based  whitening agents are effective, but can lead to enamel demineralization,  gingival irritation, cytotoxicity. Furthermore, these techniques are excessively  time-consuming. In this talk, we report a nondestructive, harmless and  convenient tooth whitening strategy based on ferro-catalysis effect: i)  piezo-catalysis and ii) pyro-catalysis. For the piezo-catalysis strategy, a  Rhodamine B degradation test of BaTiO3 (BTO) nanoparticles was performed under  ultrasonic vibration to simulate the experienced during daily tooth brushing.  Teeth stained with black tea, blueberry juice, wine or a combination thereof can  be notably whitened by the poled BTO turbid liquid after vibration for 3 hours.  A similar treatment using unpoled or cubic BTO show negligible tooth whitening  effect. Furthermore, the BTO nanoparticle-based piezo-catalysis tooth whitening  procedure exhibits remarkably less damage to both enamel and biological cells.  For the pyro-catalysis strategy, a Rhodamine B degradation test of ferroelectric  nanoparticles was also performed under cold-hot alternation to simulate the  temperature fluctuation during regular oral motion. The trained teeth can also  be whitened using a designed tooth braces with ferroelectric nanoparticle via  regular temperature alternation