
Mean curvature positivity and HN-positivity


主讲人:张希 南京理工大学教授




主讲人介绍:张希,南京理工大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师、院长,中国兵工学会应用数学专业委员会主任委员,中国数学会常务理事,江苏省数学会副理事长,中国科学数学编委。主要从事微分几何、几何分析、复几何等方面的研究,相关工作发表在Adv. Math., Crelle’s Journal, CMP, JEMS, JFA, Math. Ann., TAMS等重要数学杂志上。2016年获国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金。近五年,主持国家自然科学基金委重点类专项项目、国家重点研发计划专项项目课题,参与国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目。

内容介绍:In this talk, we consider mean curvature positivity of holomorphic vector bundle. We will show that the mean curvature positivity is equivalent to the HN-positivity. As its applications, we establish the correspondence between rational connectedness in algebraic geometry and mean curvature positivity in differential geometry. We also introduce our recent work on the rational connectedness of compact K?hler manifolds which extends Yau's conjecture to the quasi-positive case. These works are joint with Chao Li, Shiyu Zhang and Chuanjing Zhang.